Saad Alessa, a comedic force of Kuwaiti and Palestinian descent, has firmly established himself in the vibrant Los Angeles comedy circuit, performing at top comedy venues across the city and the nation. With his blend of stand-up comedy, astute political commentary, and biting satire, Saad has captivated audiences worldwide, amassing a dedicated following of over 100K followers and garnering millions of views across social media platforms. He has featured for comedians Maz Jobrani and Akaash Singh and shared the stage with many other notable comedy stars. In a pivotal moment for his career, Saad performed alongside Maz Jobrani in a show in his hometown of Kuwait, entertaining an audience of 2000 people. This experience was captured in his short YouTube special, "Unconventionally Arab."
Saad's versatility extends beyond comedy; he is a TEDx speaker, addressing diverse topics with his humor and wisdom. Furthermore, holding a Master's degree in dispute resolution from Pepperdine Law School, Saad seamlessly incorporates his legal expertise with his comedic talent. With a unique blend of humor, cultural insight, and academic background, Saad Alessa continues to captivate audiences across various platforms, establishing himself as a rising star in the comedy landscape.