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Saad Alessa, a comedian of Kuwaiti and Palestinian heritage, has firmly entrenched himself in the dynamic Los Angeles comedy scene. As a Laugh Factory regular, Saad has brought laughter to esteemed venues such as The Comedy Store, The Ice House, and The Hollywood Improv, sharing the stage with many notable stars and comedy icons. Notably, he featured for Maz Jobrani in a show for 2000 people, an experience captured in his YouTube special, "Unconventionally Arab."

In addition to his success on stage, Saad has leveraged the digital sphere, amassing over 100K followers and accumulating over 12M views across social media platforms, building a loyal fanbase. His online presence, characterized by stand-up comedy, insightful political commentary, and biting satire, resonates with audiences worldwide. Saad's versatility extends beyond comedy; he is a TEDx speaker, addressing diverse topics with his humor and wisdom. Furthermore, holding a Master's degree in dispute resolution from Pepperdine Law School, Saad seamlessly blends his legal expertise with his comedic talent. With a unique blend of humor, cultural insight, and academic background, Saad Alessa continues to captivate audiences across various platforms, establishing himself as a rising star in the comedy landscape.



Dare to Defy, a thought-provoking show hosted by comedian Saad Alessa, offers a refreshing perspective on political matters often overlooked by mainstream media. Beyond traditional labels of right or left, conservative or liberal, the show aims to ignite meaningful discussions and debates on important issues affecting society. Embracing the motto "Ignorance may be bliss," Dare to Defy challenges viewers to step outside their comfort zones and critically examine their beliefs. Through its engaging format, the show encourages viewers to think differently, empowering them to become informed and active participants in shaping a better future by defying conventional norms.

Saad is also the producer and host of the popular YouTube docu-series, Legendiary, which has accumulated over 1M views with only nine episodes. The show features interviews with successful individuals from all walks of life, sharing their stories to inspire others to reach their full potential.

Saad's On Deck Comedy - The Documentary, tells the story of how he transformed his backyard into a speakeasy comedy venue during the L.A. shutdown. Starting with an open-mic for comics, the show quickly gained popularity and became the top speakeasy comedy show in the county within just a few months. Today, On Deck Comedy is one of the most popular and best-produced shows in Los Angeles, featuring some of the city's top comedians and notable stars like Craig Robinson and Maz Jobrani. You can watch his documentary on On Deck Comedy here.